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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How to swing the golf club easily!

Wouldn't it be easy if you could follow a few simple steps about how to swing a golf club? You could avoid many of the major mistakes that people make. Follow these simple steps about the golf swing and improve instantly!
BACKSWING: The backswing should be equally focused on the body rotation and club and arm extension. The backswing is a fluid and one-piece motion with a straight front elbow. The back elbow should be bent at around 90 degrees if possible. If you do all these things then your swing will be smooth and consistent.
DOWNSWING: A lot of golfers make the mistake to think the downswing begins with the arms. It should actually start with your legs. You should move your knees, then hips and hips foward to transfer your weight. By doing this you will increase the distance you hit the ball. It should be smooth and fast!
IMPACT AND FOLLOW-THROUGH: This is the action part.Your club shaft has to form a straight line with the left. Your hands and wrist should turn so that the grip of the club points at the target where you want to hit the ball. The wrists should rotate over and the elbow bends. This will give you the distance and control you desire in your golf swing.
Follow these 3 simple steps to improve your consistency, and speed up the process of learning to swing the golf club with distance and straight.

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