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Saturday, July 28, 2007

How Do Get Tempo?

One of the best tempo swingers on the tour is Ernie Els! But what is tempo?
Tempo in the swing is a combination of many easy things to do. It is the sequencing of each part of the swing and it is the feel part. Putting this together and you'll not only kill the ball but also have tempo!

Interconnecting each phase of the swing, address, take-away, backswing, downswing, follow through, and impact all tie together to gives us tempo. "Feel" for the clubhead is also a part of tempo. Developing tempo in a golf swing is a task that requires patience, practice, and time. There is really no magical formula or instruction anyone can give you to start you playing with goog tempo. One day at the driving range doesn't do it either. Start slowly, practice, and devotion will soon have you developing silky smooth tempo. Training aids, teaching instructions, and practice...put it all together and you will have a swing with tempo and the control and distance that will have others watching you. You will kill them!!

Come back often to get more ideas and tips. I hope you will enjoy the game and have fun!

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